Step into your full

creative potential.

Clear out the cobwebs preventing you from leading a more fully expressed and abundant life, aligned with your deepest desires and unique gifts.

  • Does this sound like you?

    Do you feel “stuckness” in various areas of your life? Are you eager to rediscover yourself and find greater meaning in life? Do you want to lead mindfully with an open, compassionate heart? Are you transitioning into entrepreneurship but struggling with next steps? Have you had some success as a conscious business owner but want to take things to the next level? Are you looking for respite from corporate culture + desiring to lead a more purposeful life?

    I’ve been there + I’m here to help.

About Melina

I guide those seeking freedom and transformation to alchemize “stuckness” into intentional action so you can quantum leap into the next version of yourself in life, health and business.

My work is to awaken the best in the human spirit and cultivate the extraordinary potential that exists in us all. Having transformed my own life through a healing 5-year journey that took me around the world, I guide others to access their inner sovereignty and self-trust so they can lead from a place of love, harmony and joy.

I fuse my business background (I’m an MIT MBA alum with over 20 years of executive marketing and consulting experience) with my eternal curiosity and passion for ancient wisdom, energetics and metaphysical studies. I incorporate my training in various modalities including Reiki, Astrology, Archetypes, Energetics, NLP, Human Design, Gene Keys, Health Coaching, We-Flow, and Shamanic practices.

My approach


    Identify what is getting you stuck and gain clarity in what you truly desire.


    Change your inner voice and integrate a new perspective.


    Take intentional action and begin to magnetize more joy, harmony and ease into your life.

Upcoming Workshop

MAY 5, 2024




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